Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bow Chicka What!!!!!???

Picture this...a petite 3 year old girl. She's putting a puzzle together at our coffee table. Very sweetly she says.... Bow Chicka wow wow... bow chicka wow wow. Um. Yeah. Not something you hear every day! Where, you may ask, did this come from? Apparentley a commercial for Axe (I think, or some other cologne like substance). Have you seen them? Oooh, found one.
That's my baby! She's a sponge.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Cake That Almost Wasn't

When I placed the order for Faith's birthday cake, they asked when I wanted to pick it up. I asked if I could pick it up the 30th. The lady told me that they aren't usually open on saturdays, but they would have someone there at noon and then later in the afternoon because other people had to pick things up too (they do wedding cakes, catering etc. so even though they aren't open saturdays they normally have pick-ups which I knew). I told her that noon would be best. Easy to remember and would work good becuase I knew I'd have other stuff to do in the afternoon before the party at 4:30.

At 11:30 saturday I headed out to drop Chrissy off at the vet then headed to the cake place. I arrived and parked out front at about 11:50 (I am ALWAYS early for stuff). I went ahead and tired the door, but since I was early didn't really expect it to be open. It wasn't. So, I waited around for about 20 minutes. No one came. My sister-in-law came by (her office is in the same building as the cake place). I told her my delima. We decided to go through her office to the other side of the building. Maybe their entrance on the other side would be open! It wasn't. I was worried that while I was on the other side of the building the cake lady was wondering where I was on the side I originally started out on. So, I went clear back there and the doors were still locked. I decided to call the number and got the answering machine. I left a message. I called my mom because I knew she'd picked up something before and asked which entrance she'd used. The same one I was at. So I waited some more. Then I remembered the lady on the phone telling me someone else had to pick up something at noon. Where were they at? Shouldn't that person be waiting with me wondering why the door was still locked? I'm guessing that they either cancelled or arranged to pick it up at a differnet time and they forgot about me.

I decided to call my sister. I thought she might know (or know someone who knew) the name of the lady that ran the place. The best I could hope for was to get a hold of her at home & ask if someone could come get me my cake. Rhi said she couldn't remember the last name of the lady, but she'd find out & let me know. At this point I was irritated and had a lot of other stuff I needed to do. So shortly after 1:00 I decided screw this. I had to go pick up balloons. I went to the other side of town and had just parked at the balloon store. Rhi called me back and said she had been able to get a hold of the lady and she was at the cake place. She said she been there the whole time and didn't know I was there (I had pounded on several windows and am suprised I didn't break one). She said she was going out to look for me. Well, fat lot of good that does since I was on the other freakin side of town! So I left right away and went clear back across town, hoping the whole time she wouldn't leave. I get there and what do you know, there's a small white SUV in the parking lot that WAS NOT there before. So I go in, get strange looks and someone hollers to another woman "someone's here". I get my cake, pay for it and get out of there. No sorry no nothing. Whatever. I got my cake. Which I did like how it turned out!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

3 Years and Counting!

On Friday, Faith turned 3! My little smoochie-poo it getting so big! We had a party yesterday for her. We had friends & family over for cake & ice cream and food. We did the cake & ice cream first (every kids dream right? Dessert before the meal!) Well, I did it that way because this time of year people are busy so I thought we do the fun stuff then for the people who could/wanted to hang around longer, we'd feed them. I had some issues when picking up the cake, but I'll tell you about that later. I'm not really in the mood to go over that whole mess again.

So, the party. It went very well. There were 6 small children running around and there were no major problems. Of course there were a few small scuffles but that's to be expected in the 1-4 year old range. My neice whacked her brother in the head with a plastic bat. He got over it. No permanent damage! Then after Faith opened presents there was some expected squabiling because everyone wanted to play with the same things. Then everybody ate, played some more and went home! I think everybody had a pretty good time and I was EXAUSTED! We'll probably do it again next year. Good times.
Faith, enjoying a little more cake after the party was over (nothing like a 2nd piece of cake at 9:30pm)

Rounding up the balloons that are left to take inside. I think she'd had enough photos taken for the day!