Thursday, September 04, 2008


Well, hello all! I've got some news from my last apointment. I'm measuring too big for how far along I am. Like a dork, I forgot to ask HOW big, but I did have to have another sonogram. Results are:
Baby too big
Baby breech
Too much amniotic fluid
Probable C-section
At my next apointment on Monday we'll discuss all of the above. I don't really know what too much amniotic fluid means. I found this wonderful info to scare myself. I'm trying not to worry about it too much right now. Seeing as I don't know how much excess fluid I have (it may just be a little, right?) there is no sense in getting too worked up about it. Right now the baby is still moving plenty so I know for now he's doing ok in there.
As far as me, I'm more tired & having short bouts of very uncomfortableness (that's a word, isn't it? If not it should be.) but over all doing pretty good. I've been feeling quite unprepared and not ready from time to time. Then, I get all excited & can't wait for baby time! However, ready or not, it's getting close!

1 comment:

One funny gal said...

Hi- don't be too worried about the amount of fluid. Sure it can signify a problem, but not always. It does depend on how much "extra" fluid you have, but don't let that influence you to have a c-section. They are not indicated solely because of polyhydramnios (excess water). If you want a vaginal birth you can talk to your doctor about the importance of that for you and see how he/she feels about it. Also ask them exactly why they feel a c-section is needed? Typically it would be done only on an emergency basis. Breech babies- ok, so you have a few weeks left before your due date, right? It's totally possible for your baby to flip around. Did your doctor give you any advise on things that you can do to turn your baby naturally? If not ask, if they did then do those things religiously. Big baby- is it possible that your due date could be wrong? Maybe baby is big because you are farther along....just a thought. Also sonograms become less and less reliable for dating a pregnancy the farther along you are. They are the most accurate in the very beginning of your pregnancy. Some women just have big babies; some women have small babies. It doesn't always indicate a problem. I just wanted to share my thoughts with you on this topic that I am very passionate about. Good luck to you, I can't wait to hear more.