Monday, July 13, 2009


So, here's the deal. I'm having issues at work. About 3 weeks ago I was ready to walk out of my job and never go back (had I had another job to go to). There seems to be an irritating pattern of my boss & the new office manager getting a stick up their asses and suddenly deciding they have a problem with me. I'm so sick of the drama. Then, within a week, everything is back to normal.
After this most recent hissy fit by them I actually applied for a job. (Because honest to god, I just don't know if they're going to be randomly pissed off one day & fire me.) I had an interview on Friday & was offered the job today. The main thing holding me back from accepting the job tomorrow & giving my two week notice is...the pay. It's $3/hr less than what I'm making. Yes, we could be fine. Basically, the difference is what we pay for 1 of the kids every 2 weeks for daycare. Faith will be starting school mid August so it would essentialy be breaking even. I was so looking forward to Faith starting school & actually being able to SAVE that money we had been paying. I don't like living paycheck to paycheck. We NEED to be able to save money. We actually have been doing pretty good...except for those unexpected big expenses we've had recently.
I just don't know what to do. Do I leave my (slightly) higher paying job for a job with less drama, more stability & more potential job growth down the road? Or do I stay where I am with the higher stress, being treated like crap every couple weeks and not much job security with a little more pay?
I'm leaning towards leaving because I do have my family to consider. I'm not conceited enough to think I am irreplaceable at any job, so it's not like either is guarnteed job security. But it seems as though the new job might be a better enviorment & be better in the long run. I'm just worried that it might be a "grass is greener" situation. I just don't know. I have to decide soon.

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