Thursday, October 18, 2007


No baby. Monday evening I had some light spotting/bleeding. Tuesday I called the dr & went and had some blood drawn. My hcg level was 387. In 48 hours it should have at least doubled to 774. It went down to 358. So now I await the onslaught of blood, gore and cramps. I'm so excited.
I was actually holding onto a tiny bit of hope. I only had light bleeding off & on and absolutely no cramping or anything else. This. Fucking. Blows. Now I get to go to the dr next week to chat about these wonderful things. There's a chance we'll have to have some genetic testing done to see if there is something wrong, or if we just have really really sucky luck. We'll discuss & go from there. It took 1 1/2 years to get pregnant again. I really don't want to have to wait that long again. I know other people have waited longer & for some it never happens. I've been known for my bad luck. I hope this is just another one of those times.

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