Wednesday, February 27, 2008

to post or not to post....

I've been having conflicting thoughts about a very long, ranting post regarding work. I don't usually blog about work.
If you haven't noticed, I have a somewhat unique name. I am a fairly private person and only 3 people I know in real life know that my blog exists. Two of those people rarely ever stop in & have actualy probably even forgotten about it.
So, that being said, I'm slightly concerned someone I know will stumble upon here. I don't want that to cause me problems at work.
I don't know, maybe I'll entertain you with the story of why I'm contemplating quitting my job (if only I could find another one!).

1 comment:

Erin said...

Luckily, you also have the same name that made a 1979 song very popular. Chances are, even if your co-workers google your first name (which would be weird), they won't come across your blog. And if they don't know your blog exists in the first place, they wouldn't have a reason to go looking for it.

My suggestion: blog about it if you're willing to take the chance. Just be vague enough so that if someone does find it, his or her name (or the name of the company) isn't involved.

Trust me, blogging about the irritating things in life is very theraputic. Why do you think I call myself "Erin Rages"? :)

Anyway, how's the baby?