Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well, I'm still here! No breakdown, but close! A little update on everything:
Work - our new new girl has started and so far, so good! She seems to be catching on very fast. And, even better, the old new girl is gone. If she had been there any longer it may have gotten ugly! Honestly though, I hate to say anything bad about her. She is a very nice person and her driving us all insane was never intentional. She was just damn irritating.
Family health - my stepdad got out of the hospital the next day after overnight observation. They had no idea what was wrong when he left. As he was wanting to get to CO to see his brother they planned on scheduling further tests soon. Then, that sunday he was back at the ER. This time it was here in town. They checked him in and scheduled him for a heart cath & when he left the hospital tuesday afternoon still knew nothing. Well, not nothing. His heart is in great condition, no blockage. So, still no idea what is wrong with him.
My uncle is still in the hospital. It was pretty much day to day whether or not he would make it. So far he's still hanging in there. He has made improvements, which is a little misleading. He spent the first week and a half or so intubated. Eventually, he started to fight it so he was in a drug induced coma. Then, when he was having problems with the tube irritating his esophogus they put a trach tube in. So, then they slowly took him off all the drugs. Yesterday I heard that he MAY be moved from the ICU this week. Maybe. I haven't heard a really good, detailed update this week so I'm really not sure how he is.

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