Thursday, September 25, 2008

He Has Arrived

Dominic George
born September 24th at 8:10am
9lbs 4.5oz 21 1/4inches

We're all doing fantastic and he's got the softest little cheeks ever.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Just hours away.......

All right folks. I have less than ten hours 'till check in time. I am to report to the OB unit at 6am tomorrow. It's baby time!
I'm still terrified that something will go wrong. I'm really trying to think positive thoughts and it's mostly working. I'm driving myself crazy trying to decide if I've packed everything that I need. I'm also having trouble getting it to sink in that I get to meet my son tomorrow!
Stay tuned....

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Because I've been focusing more on the "other things" here's a little something that's just Faith.
We were at my parents house this weekend. They have a gray cat named Mac that's probably about 4-5 months old (I think, I can't quite remember!). Anyway, it's out of it's tiny kitten stage but is still a young cat. Faith loves that crazy cat and it loves her. It is not a house cat but when we're there (in the beginning anyway) it would be inside some in a pet carrier because as a small kitten we were concerned about out dog playing too rough with it in the back yard. Now they're great friends....or at least don't attach each other, and the cat is no longer allowed inside. This doesn't stop Faith from trying to bring it in. Ocassionally my mom lets her bring it in if she'll sit on the floor & it sits in her lap while she pets it. So today Faith wanted to bring Mac in & hold and pet her (I think it's a her). My mom said it was alright as long as Mac was sitting in her lap. Once she no longer wanted held she had to go back out.
Faith opens the sliding patio door & picks up Mac. She then shuts the door and the cat's tail was in it! We said "oh, Faith! The cat's tail!" and I hopped up (as much as a hugely pregnant woman can hop) to open the door to free the cat. As I did, she said "Oh! Sorry Mackie" and pulled her tail out of the door! I have to tell you, I was laughing so hard I was sitting on the floor with some tears. It was so freakin hilarous!!! And that crazy cat didn't bat an eye. Obviously the door was not shut hard, just enough that her tail was a little caught. Faith then set on the floor & pet the cat and it just layed on her all stretched out & cozy.
Reading this it doesn't seem quite as "collapse on the floor in tears funny" as it did at the time. But I swear it was! I guess I just didn't do the story justice.

THE PLAN it stands for now anyway.
I am on the schedule for a c-section on the 24th. Although I really really don't want to have a c-section this is the way it will be. I know, I can wait longer & see if he will flip on his own. However, the most important thing to me is that this child arrives safely. I am not comfortable waiting around longer to see what happens. I'm not comfortable pressing my luck. Since he is not head down, if my water were to break I could face the problem of a cord prolapse.
This does make me a little sad though. It's not so much that this pregnancy will result in a c-section so much as that any subsequent pregnancies will end with the same result (ya know, as long as we make it full term if I happen to get pregnant again). At our hospital it is their policy to not do VBAC's. I know, some people will say that if I'm really against having a c-section I should try other things, wait etc. And, those same people will have something to say about the hospital not allowing a VBAC. Here's the thing. I'm not one to argue with medical professionals when it involves the live birth of my child (and I am not as informed at they are). The baby being ALIVE and me, also, being ALIVE are the two most important factors in my opinion. This is not to say that I take everything every doctor ever tells me as gospel and the only way things can be. I have my own thoughts, questions and opinions which I discuss with them or research to the best of my ability.
So, that is it. Ten days for this kid to flip.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Back from the Doctor....

Well I learned a few things this morning at my appointment. My baby is a little big, but not scary huge! Although there is extra amniotic fluid and that can be a sign of other problems they see no other signs that would indicate a problem. I'm just in the category of extra fluid for no known reason. As far as the subject of baby being breech this is what I've got:

1) wait & see if he'll flip on his own. Usually they don't at this point (although they can) because they've pretty much run out of room. However, with the extra fluid in there for him to float around in he might actually have room.

2) schedule an external inversion. Obviously this has some risks. Not only do you have the risks to the baby to take into consideration, there's also that there's only about a 50% chance this will work. Then, even if it does work, there's a 5% chance he'll flip back. Which actually is a little higher since I have extra fluid. And then there's the fact that this is quite an uncomfortable procedure.

3) give up & just schedule a c-section.

I'm pretty much going for choice #3 hopeful that choice #1 ends up hapening! They'll schedule the c-section for about 2 1/2 weeks from now (I don't have a date yet, maybe tomorrow. If not I'll know next week.) and we'll go from there.

Also, I almost forgot...aparentley the thought of my water breaking was enough to make to good doctor have a chuckle. With the extra fluid he imagines it will be quite a mess. Glug glug...

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Well, hello all! I've got some news from my last apointment. I'm measuring too big for how far along I am. Like a dork, I forgot to ask HOW big, but I did have to have another sonogram. Results are:
Baby too big
Baby breech
Too much amniotic fluid
Probable C-section
At my next apointment on Monday we'll discuss all of the above. I don't really know what too much amniotic fluid means. I found this wonderful info to scare myself. I'm trying not to worry about it too much right now. Seeing as I don't know how much excess fluid I have (it may just be a little, right?) there is no sense in getting too worked up about it. Right now the baby is still moving plenty so I know for now he's doing ok in there.
As far as me, I'm more tired & having short bouts of very uncomfortableness (that's a word, isn't it? If not it should be.) but over all doing pretty good. I've been feeling quite unprepared and not ready from time to time. Then, I get all excited & can't wait for baby time! However, ready or not, it's getting close!