Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Girlie Visit...... Without the Unpleasent Poking & Prodding

Well, I had a meeting with the OB/GYN. We discussed what was up with the 'ol uterus. Here's where it stands right now.
I am not technically considered "infertile" because I am able to get pregnant. If I want I can start taking clomid to try to help things along (I've taken it a couple times husband "lovingly" refers to them as the crazy pills). If I want to I can wait and be patient. For those of you who don't know me in real life....I'm not known for my patience! Other than that, that's all I've got on the getting pregnant part.
Now, as far as after I succeed in becoming pregnant I wanted to know what, if anything, would be different. Nothing. Until after having 3 consecutive miscarriages (medically known as a habitual aborter, lovely term eh?) there's nothing actually wrong with me. The chances are things will be perfectly fine. He even brought up the progesterone thing before I could ask. He said that as most miscarriages happen because of problems with the fetus, there is no reason to take progesterone. In studys, the progesterone did not STOP the miscarriage, just delayed the body dealing with it. In other words, if the fetus died at 7 weeks because of problems, the progesterone would delay the body recognizing the fetus had died for a couple weeks. So, you would show no signs that the baby had died until later (or for example, you were at a check up and they were looking for the heartbeat). I know that he's right. He's very good at his job. But of course, you always wonder "what if." I guess I want a fix. If there is some genetic defect that would cause the miscarriage, obviously that would be best. However, if there's something wrong with me that's causing it, I want it fixed! I want to be able to take something to stop it from happening.
I guess for now the first step is getting pregnant again. Then we'll go from there.


Erin said...

Dude, that sucks. I know so many people that are having so many different types of infertility problems. It's a damn wonder that the human race hasn't gone extinct.

But seriously, I can't imagine how tough it must be on you. I'm sorry to hear about your constant struggle with this.

sharona said...

Hey, there are plenty of druggies, people collecting welfare checks and teenagers getting knocked up to keep us going for a long time.....that was kinda bitchy & bitter sounding wasn't it? Oh well, I figure I'm allowed once in awhile!

ABW said...

I can see some of what he says, but in my case, the progesterone is what helped me keep my pregnancy. After two losses the docs at Wilfred Hall ran the tests, the doctors here confirmed it (and when I called right when I found out I was pregnant they got me in right away and did the necessary tests) and I delivered a healthy 10 lb 1 oz baby boy 8 months later, I believe due to the progesterone. They did monitor me by ultrasound weekly too for the first 14 weeks or so to make sure that the pregnancy continued to progress.

Hang in there, I hope you have good news soon.

sharona said...

I'm still thinking that once I do get preg. I'll give them a call & see if they'll test my progesterone level. I understand his stance on not just putting me on it without any concrete reason to. I just want to make sure there isn't a reason I SHOULD be taking it.