Wednesday, January 09, 2008


There is an article in the magazine Cookie titled "The Pink Dress". Apparently, 4 year old Sam has a thing for pink. And now, he's decided he wants a dress. He then announces he wants to wear said dress to school. TO SCHOOL!!! Look, I'm all for letting your child express him or herself. I think it's great that they let their son wear pink. Some parents (espicially dads) may freak out at the thought of their son wearing such a "girlie" color. However, as parents, this is where you step in and say NO. This is what gets children beat up, or constantly made fun of....then when he's a teen and comes to school in his pink frilly tutu with his gun to blow half of his class away for making fun of him people will wonder why they didn't see it coming.
I don't claim to be a perfect parent. I make mistakes. We all make mistakes. However, there was so much about this article that just rubbed me the wrong way. One of the main things being:

" I shouldn't have been entirely surprised by the statement, given Sam's history on the pink side of the dress-up box, but this time something was different. ...........
........."But sweetie," I said in my best calm, concerned mommy tone, "you have two pink dresses. Your princess dress-up costumes are both pink."

I don't know about you, but most boys I know that have any costumes to play pretend/dress up in are fireman's hats, cowboy type wear, policeman or even scrubs. But mostly, just leftovers from Halloween if they're lucky enough for their mom to let them keep them out all year to play with. But not poor little Sam....

"The dress-up box at home overflows with pink tulle, lace, and marabou feathers."

Which brings me right back to my original thought......WTF??!!!?
Maybe I'm alone in my thinking. Maybe I'm just completly out of it. What do you think?

1 comment:

Erin said...

Yeah, that does sound a bit odd.